Albion Valiant CX39N, chassis 60309D
Body: Roe GO4561 (May 1958)
Date new: November 1950
TWY 8 is a rebodied chassis. The chassis was originally under a Burlingham coach body, numbered 57 in the fleet of South Yorkshire Motors, and registered JWT 112.
The chassis was used to construct South Yorkshire Motors (Pontefract) number 81 (TWY 8) in 1958. The double-deck body was built by Roe of Leeds to a L27/26RD layout. The original Burlingham body was fitted to South Yorkshire Motors 51, which became number 57 and registered as DYG 53. This vehicle also still survives today in preservation.
Following a full mechanical overall TWY 8 passed her MOT on 14th April 2010, some 29 years after the last one expired! Credit is due to Andrew Beever and a few other dedicated members for a year's hard graft.
The bus carried her first passengers on the 2010 Arriva Tour and continues to be a regular attendee at many local events and she continues to be a regular performer at our open days.
This interesting advert (right) appeared in newspapers around 1970. Ironically the bus lasted longer than Williams & Glyn's Bank, and is now three times its age when the advert appeared!
Thanks to the Albion Club for the newspaper cutting. Click this logo to see their website:
There are a few other interesting pictures on other websites.
Click the underlined links to see them.
TWY 8 in service - pictured in Leeds Bus Station, 1969.
TWY 8 on the Transpennine Run in her early preservation days, 1973.
TWY 7 (the original one!) in Leeds Bus Station, 1958
Below: TWY 8 and TWY 7 are seen side by side at our Open Day in November 2010. The TWY 7 plate was attached to an Arriva-Yorkshire Dennis Dart, formerly registered W167 HBT, and based at Selby. This bus has now been withdrawn.

South Yorkshire Motors 81 (TWY 8)
Click on the above image to see more photographs of TWY8