If you run a car, you will know just how expensive it is to keep a vehicle on the road. You will almost certainly have experienced the sudden unexpected expense of a breakdown. With a bus, it is even more expensive. Spare parts for older vehicles are difficult (if not impossible) to locate, and the cost of diesel for a vehicle that does less than 10 miles to the gallon is quite startling.
As a registered charity, our members do most of the work themselves, though we occasionally have to pay for major or specialist work. Our income is limited to members' subscriptions, proceeds from the sale of our books, models and Open Day events and - of course - donations, without which a lot of our work could not be done. We have survived and are continuing to expand our restoration programme because of the generosity of our supporters.
To give you an idea of how a donation can help, for example:
£5.00 can buy us postage stamps, and it is surprising how many of these we get through each month.
£10.00 covers the printing of our members' quarterly newsletter.
£20.00 can pay for the powder-coating of a seat frame.
£50.00 can pay for powder-coating and re-upholstery of a bus seat.
£100.00 is the typical cost of fuel for a bus to take part in a rally or event.
Recent large expenses that we have incurred include almost £500.00 for a set of heavy duty jump leads, and £1,600.00 for urgent upgrade of the lighting in our building. We have to pay our Council Tax and electricity bills - these things don't come cheap.
This is where you can help. All donations, however large or small, are gratefully received - and every pound really does make a difference. If you would like to help us restore these buses and keep them running, the methods of doing this are listed below.
Please make your cheque or postal order payable to "WEST RIDING OMNIBUS MUSEUM TRUST" and post it to us at 47E Dale Street, Ossett, WF5 9HE. Don't forget to include your address so we can acknowledge your gift.
Click HERE to download a standing order form to your computer in PDF format. Then simply print it out, fill it in and post it to us - the address is on the form.